About me

Real estate businesswoman

Dora Massi, class of 1978, Entrepreneur and Real Estate Investor

The hardest thing is to talk about yourself, but before making a big investment, it is essential to get to know the professional to whom you are entrusting your money.

With 20 years of experience in the real estate industry, I move with passion throughout the country, while having Ascoli Piceno as my point of reference and origin.

This adventure took off in 2003, when I took my first steps in the world of acquisitions and sales for a prestigious Italian Real Estate Agency.

My determination led me, in 2008, to qualify as a Business Agent in Real Estate Mediations.

Despite the challenges, I founded my Real Estate Agency in Ascoli Piceno that year, a reflection of my values and ideals.

Over the years, I have made a name for myself in the industry and forged valuable partnerships. But, at the center of it all, there have always been my clients.

Special thanks go to all those who have believed in me and also to those who have expressed doubts, as they have strengthened my resilience and determination.

In 2022, with a wealth of experience between appraisals, renovations, and sales, I decided to specialize in settlements and judicial auctions, an ever-evolving field full of legislative challenges.

Hence was born DOMA ALTERNATIVE IMMOBILIARE, my latest venture, which is primarily dedicated to real estate flipping, combining passion, expertise and innovation.